Tuesday, February 28, 2012


There's a mad race to our big purpose in life.  Have you ever noticed we like to focus on the BIG things?   You can't wait to get to high school and immediately the focus becomes what College you're going to and what will your major be. Or you meet someone and start dating, and could this be the one starts to role through your mind.  Soon comes the questions are you going to get engaged?  Then when's the wedding? After the big day everyone wants to know when the baby's coming? A precious bundle arrives and there's more questions will you have another one?  Is the baby sleeping through the night?  Are you giving him/her cereal?  When will this child start crawling?  Talking?  Walking?  What's the plan for the first birthday?  Preschool?  School?  Driving?  College?  Wedding? and the cycle continues.  I think we focus so much on what we think are the big things we miss out on the important things.  Maybe we have a misconception of what the big things really are?   And because of this misconception some of us are stuck between these big events.  Maybe there is no wedding.  Or no baby has arrived.  Some of us realize we were so excited about the wedding we didn't focus on the marriage.  I think we often forget the important things are the times in between.
I would love the Lord to show me what my BIG purpose in life is;  but I'm starting to realize I have purpose in everyday.  It may not be some big thing that others judge as glamorous or fulfilling but it's my purpose.  There are people that only you come in contact with, and there are prayers that only you are praying.  I'm learning that to just focus on the big makes us miss the little blessings, lessons and joy in everyday.  So maybe today you find yourself rushing for the big things,  or waiting for what seems to be the next "important thing" to happen to you.  You might feel pressure and disappointment not being able to see the next step happening.  Maybe you feel stuck and committed to something you didn't even consider because you were so focused on checking off your "big thing" list.  Let me tell you there's always hope.  God doesn't want us just to consider Him in the "big" things he wants us to see Him at work in every moment.  This week lets try to see our purpose in the in-between, the everyday life that we all live. To know the Lord has a purpose for each of us in every moment and live that purpose out.  Have a great week!


  1. Great word! Now you can start working on writing your daily devotional :) xoxox

  2. That was really encouraging stacey! Thank you for sharing... Good timing.
