Monday, September 17, 2012

The Fit

Anyone willing to admit he/she can throw a fit with the best of them?  Things aren't going our way.  This isn't what we signed up for.  I want it my way right away.  I have no problem admitting I can throw a fit.  It may have something to do with the fact that I'm the youngest and the only girl in my family.  Yes I was a little spoiled.  When I became a parent, I learned it's easy to let your child flip out and not change your mind when you know it's something that will harm them.  Really we could be doing something productive and fun, but you'd rather just focus on the fact that you're not getting your way.

Alexandrea thought it was a great idea to go to the play ground after dropping Isa off at school.  What could be better than that! She was not happy with us when we told her we had to keep walking.  Joey responded to her folded arms and glare with an offer to dance on the side walk as we walked.  Who doesn't love to dance with their Daddy.  I have fond memories of dancing with my Dad in the kitchen before school as Mom listened to the radio.  Alexandrea looked at Joey, as he offered her one hand while spinning me with the other, and took off.  When I say took off, she bolted down the sidewalk as fast as her little legs would take her.  Joey and I looked at each other for a moment and laughed.  We were amazed that she was so mad that she just ran away.  I saw her getting close to where we crossed the street and I began to panic.  These two laughing parents might be running as fast as they can in a second.  She was almost a block in front of us.  I find it amazing what she did next.  She sat!  She just sat arms crossed waiting for us.

How many times have I missed an opportunity to dance with my Heavenly Father because I don't like the decisions He has made.  Or how many times have I run as fast as I could trying to avoid the situation I'm in just to wait to be happy on the other side of the street.  Ultimately I'm glad for the Lord's intervention.  His ways are not ours.  I'm not God and I don't want to be.  I'm also thankful I serve a gracious God that lets me make my motions and cast my votes.  I can pour out my heart to Him.  He looks at me full of love and reminds me He sees the big picture- that now is not the best time but let's enjoy where we are.

Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say
Proverbs 16:33 MSG


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