Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Not Passing Life By

Here I go blog #1.  As I mentioned in my about me section I started this blog as an attempt to help stop the rush around in my life and to appreciate the place God has me.  To some of you this "rush" may be a foreign concept but I know there are those of you out there that can relate.  A lot of people make the statement "Life's just passing me by!"  But I think there is a good group out there that fall into a category I am trying to escape, the category of Passing Life By.  My life has been too full for too many years.  I have found myself is a the state of Rush.  Rushing to grow up, rushing to drive, rushing through school, rushing to get married, rushing to finish a project, rushing my children, rushing breakfast, rushing a face to face conversation, rushing to the mall, rushing coffee with friends, rushing to practice and finally rushing to bed all to start over again. Rush Rush Rush and I'm tired.  In all this Rush I have been passing life by and I don't want to continue this madness.  I'm taking a vow to slow stop and enjoy the beauty around me with the people I love.

The Dallas Arboretum