Thank you for making the girls and my lunch for school
Thank you for waking up at 3:45am to go to work
Thank you for not moving us or jumping into something until your know what the Lord wants
Thank you for being willing to start over with such grace
Thank you for saying you're sorry first
Thank you for cooking with me
(You may have taken all the counter space but no one makes a better cheese roll.)
Thank you for making me have fun when I get to caught up in my to do list
Thank you for not being too proud to have a dance party with all of us
Thank you for praying with the girls every night before they go to bed
Thank you for watching the girls when I have something I need to do
(There may be dishes in the sink and toys all over the house but I got to go somewhere and our girls had a great time with their daddy. You're their favourite baby sitter)
Thank you for sitting with me when I just need to cry
Thank you for all the little things you do that I don't even know about
Thank you is a powerful word and it can go beyond just being a word. Being thankful is a powerful position. It doesn't just change your day but it also changes the day of the people you encounter. Imagine if I took notice of everything that was done for me. Imagine if I just stopped for five minutes . Would you stop this week. Would you take a moment every morning and thank the Lord for a few things that day. Would you smile at the starbucks barista look them in the eye and say thank you. Have you told your toddler how much you appreciate them? What about your boss or that janitor at work? Could you call your mom just to say I love you. What if we spent this week looking to brighten anothers day instead of how they can brighten ours. They are in our every day life. We don't have to go out of our way to find them we just need to stop for a moment to appreciate them.
I love you more than you know! THANK YOU!