Somewhere along the way I developed a philosophy that life should be separated in 30 minute increments ONE hour at the most and that is how I scheduled it. I tried to fill as many 30 minute holes as possible just so I could do EVERYTHING because that's the only way to live life and not miss out on anything.
This has resulted in many unfinished projects as soon as I hit 30 mins I would think this DIY craft/ recipe/project is for the birds! I don't have time for this. I have more important things to do. This could quite possibly be why I'm that mom running into preschool late dropping off/picking up my child with no time to talk. Or why every conversation began with "sorry I'm running late I was doing this or that" and sending the message that I'm just that important that you can wait.
Wow as I'm writing this I see insecurity oozing. If anyone asked me when can you be here? My answer "30 mins!" It didn't matter if it was 30 minutes away and the girls were still sleeping or I'm still in my PJ's, which could be any time of day, 30 Minutes is how I worked.
Another product of this would be my failure to be present in conversation (any conversation on the phone or face to face) because I had a list of things to do running through my mind. You hear it said in business talk "better to be a master at one thing then a jack of many." Why is this so hard for me to put into life. To choose quality over quantity. I guess there could be a lot of reasons. I think insecurity definitely fits for me. Everyday I have the choice to lay self doubt at the feet of Jesus or pick it up and continue life at this pace.
I would also say that 30 minute to one hour increments is pretty unrealistic. It leaves no time for diversion and lets be honest life is full of detours. This would end a lot of days in frustration. The uncrossed things on my to do list would be added to the next day's list and the rhythm continued. So instead of making a to do list for a week and trying to accomplish it in one day. I've opted for a few things a day. To enjoy what I'm doing while I'm doing it. Even the little detours that interrupt each day.
I would also like to point out that my inability to say NO definitely adds to the madness. (a good topic for a later blog)
Great thoughts sis. Your a great writer. I am pretty sure I can and some more slow don't to my life and be more "present"