When we choose not to stop and take time to look and listen, we conveniently miss out - miss out on the most important parts of life. It's time to be intentional with our time. I believe that success in any relationship is built on little moments we choose to steal. Moments that seem so minute yet mean so much.
As a mom who feels time torn, I admit that one thing I struggle with is bedtime. My babies used to go to sleep so easily: we rocked; cuddled; laid them down without a peep; then off to whatever we needed to do. Then, we went from crib to bed. Need I say more ........ bedtime began to drag on FOREVER! This drives me crazy because I "need" to get so much more done! So we've been trying something different. You know besides screaming "get back in bed or else....." It doesn't always work but we've been giving our girls time at night. Time dedicated to talk, share and cuddle. This means starting a little earlier but there's something so beautiful about a restful at-peace child. This past week as I lay with Alexandrea, I began to reflect on my love her. In that moment I was reminded of how much my heavenly Father loves me. And out of that came this poem - This is my first one and maybe my last....don't judge too harshly.

We had said our goodnight prayer
In perfect rhythm our two hearts beat
We agree this moment could be lived on repeat
Like a satisfied purrr
Is me and her
Connected by much more than hands
We're encompassed by unfathomable bands
Life for her with out me does not exist
I feel the same this love I can't resist
And in that moment I become so aware
His LOVE for me does not compare
It's important to steal a moment because in that pause His love is as loud as a roaring applause. We search and search for love running in all directions and yet He says, "Be still and know" ........ know what? "Know that He is God" ..... and God is Love. This week will you stop? Will you listen? Will you look?
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth
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