Do you have hard time moving forward unless EVERYTHING is in place? Let me ask it another way..... Do you run from things when they're not perfect? This is not the best trait to have when you're trying to make future decisions. Somewhere along the way I decided that if something was from God everything would just line up perfectly. There would be no bumps or rough patches. If there was sight of these hard times in the horizon I backpedaled as fast as I could. Surely this wasn't for me. Therefor I find it very difficult to commit to anything. Somedays I'm amazed I got married, not because Joey is not perfect, but because marriage has mirrored all my flaws. And any flaws I thought were hidden have been magnified by parenthood. The fact that I can't be perfect and someone sees that hourly is very hard. I want to be Mother Teresa, Princess Di, Sheila Walsh and Elle Macpherson all in one. Haha not the case.
I was reminded this week of a great truth. I'm thankful for the story of Caleb and Joshua. God was leading the Israelites into their PROMISE LAND and instead of embracing it, Gods people looked for all the reasons why they should walk away. Have you ever stepped back and asked God is there anything in my life you're wanting me to embrace and all I see are the flaws? Wouldn't you hate to miss out on the promise because you're so distracted by little imperfections? This week at VBS, with 6 year olds crawling across my lap, listening to this bible story I was reminded....Even the Promise Land had Giants.
love this Stace! Thanks for your bravery and honest words!!! much love,
Good word :)