There is a security that only God can give. A void that's just His size. Everyday I rush to fill it with all this other stuff I always come up short. Others can't live up to the expectation I put on them. When we take time to deal with our emptiness before our creator, our relationships a will be healthier.
He doesn't just want to cover up, He wants to heal. He doesn't just want us to laugh, in His Presence there is fullness of Joy. He will never leave us or forsake us. So the next time that awkward, lonely, quiet, feeling comes, bring it before Him. Let's turn the tv off, put the ringer on silent, set aside the list and pause. Take off the "I've got it all together" mask and find true comfort and peace in the arms of God through Jesus Christ. He has the answers to the questions of emptiness we're afraid to ask.
1 Peter 1:18
Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God.......
great word sis! love you