Alexandrea has been a little sick this week. So we have had the wonderful opportunity to hang out the last few days. I already wrote about the party and all the fun we had, but I have to tell you something, I got to witness the perfect example lived out by my three year old. I'm trying my best to apply the statement "life's a journey not a destination." This Wednesday Alexandrea was my teacher. We had decided to make cupcakes. The box of confetti cake mix was in the pantry for this reason. Andy had been waiting expectedly all morning for the moment to start the process. When it was time she quickly and excitedly pushed the chair from the table to the counter. Where she hoped up ready to help. There she removed the eggs, poured water and oil, and emptied the ingredient box. When finished with each step she'd ask with a big smile what's next? When instructed she happily followed directions. She loved placing the baking cups in the tins. Please keep in mind this whole process was filled with sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose. Now it was time to fill the tins with the mix. I could see how proud is was, such a big girl spooning out the mix. After each spoonful she would ask with a grin, "Can I lick it now?" She happily answered OK as she scooped out some more mix every time I said, "not yet." Her giggle was priceless when it was time. The cupcakes were placed in the oven and the question came, "Can we cuddle while we wait mom?" I loved how her body relaxed into mine after each time she asked, "are they ready now?" She trusted that I knew best.
Do we trust that He knows best? Do we treat the process of life like Andy treated the process of making cupcakes. Do we readily ask what's next? And do it with a smile? Do we realize ALL there is to enjoy along the way, or do we just want the destination? Can we wait in peace when He tells us not yet? What's funny to me is she didn't even want the cupcakes at the end. If I went to buy cupcakes from velvet (the best I've had) that wouldn't have been as good. She wanted the process. On a side note we threw them away because she was so sick I didn't want to chance anyone else getting sick. You think, when we finally get there, when we get whatever dream we're rushing through life for, when we've reached the plateau, that we'll look back and realize ..... the true joy was in The Journey?
Romans 8:15
This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?"
Thanks for sharing stace, love your writing!