Do you ever feel like your stuck in the movie groundhog day and the only thing that changes is the date on the calendar and maybe your clothes. There are times in my life that everyday feels like its on repeat. I wake up do my bible study, prepare breakfast, pack lunches in backpacks, wake up the girls, get dressed, drop Isa off at school, head to work, drop off Alexandrea to her classroom, get off, run home clean up Alexandrea's school stuff, prep dinner, pick up Isa, clean up her backpack from school, homework, cook dinner, clean up dinner, make lunches, give bedtime snacks, put the girls to bed, watch a show with Joey, go to bed and wake up to start all over again. I can get so bored of this cycle. Since a maid, chauffer and cook aren't in the budget I have discovered myself wishing for my kids to grow up so I don't have to do so many things over and over again. The sad thing is that I'm wishing so many great moments away.
The Lord used a series our pastor spoke on thankfulness to help change so much of my perspective. Before I heard this series I was motivated by the result of an action. There a lot of things I don't like the process of, but I endure it to enjoy the result. For example, dishes, I like a clean kitchen but I'm not so thrilled by what it takes to get there. The problem with being motivated by the result is the fact that life is more of a process than a result. Therefor more of my time is spent enduring instead of enjoying. So here are some of my secrets that have helped me be thankful and make the most of these mundane everyday occurrences.
Cooking - I have found I love to cook with people and try new recipes. My husband is one of my favorites to cook with. So instead of just having someone over for dinner invite them to come cook with you. Even cooking with your kids.
Dishes - This is a wonderful catch up time. Our house has had some great conversations while, washing, rinsing, drying and putting away dishes. I have also used this time to talk to some of my greatest friends and family on the phone
Laundry - I've come to be thankful to have clothes and I've started to pray for the people who wear them. I pray that there day would be full of the evidence of God in their lives. That they would show God's love to all they come in contact with.
Dusting - Depends on the day. I usually dust with Alexandrea since Isa is in school. We either have a dance party with some of her top picks or it's a quiet time that I enjoy some of my favorite worship albums. Actually it's usually a combo of both since I lose my companion about half way through. I believe one of the greatest assets to cleaning is picking the right cleaning track!
Driving - Since one of my first posts was on this feel free to look that up
Vacuuming - Haha I've always loved to vacuum....
This is my attempt to look like a 40s housewife... I
usually clean in sweats and a t-shirt |
I would like to finish with the thought that none of this is accomplished by sheer will power and I still don't succeed at this. It all comes from giving each day over the Lord. He makes everyday exciting and guides you on what's important and what's not. When you do this and depend on Him the groundhog day syndrome will no longer run your life.
Place Your Life Before God
1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.