Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Yo-Yo

The last two weeks have gone from high to low on repeat.  This is usually a sign that my focus is off.  We had a wonderful vacation in Arizona for spring break.  There were so many moments. You know the moments that you don't want to get pinched in case it's a dream.  There were life long friend moments, staying up talking till 1am, laughing, crying, remembering and dreaming. Sweet times of apologizes and forgiveness. There were kids everywhere, laughter and squeals of delight, peace in chaos.  It was full of people.  I'll take it.  Moments your so thankful for the relationship your kids have with your parents.  There were even quiet moments.  You know life is good when you can sit still and not be overcome by insecurity and fear.

Love these Ladies
So fun
We came back and BOOM.  I would like to say it's been one of those days but more like one of those weeks.  You know those weeks when the grass is greener on the other side.  When what we have is not enough.  When complaints flow like a fountain and gratitude is no where to be found.  Yep I'm having one of those. The kinda week where no one can do right.  The world is unfair and I just want to stay in bed, watch tv and eat ice-cream.  Since that cannot be reality I am forced to deal with this attitude.

It's always good to slow down and think about what you're thankful for.  But I wouldn't stop there.  There is a hole in all of us that can only be fulfilled but the Lord.  I can always tell when I try to satisfy this need with people, possessions and circumstances.  

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Say it again

My wonderful husband is a Starbucks employee.   I do have to say he makes one handsome barista.  Before he took on this job "Pancake Saturday" used to be a highlight of the week. The girls loved it.  They got to make breakfast with their daddy.  Who could ask for more? Since November it has changed to Pancake Sunday because Joey opens on Saturday mornings.  Well Sunday morning the girls ask, "Is it Pancake Saturday?" Haha.  Daddy not being here when they wake up has left our Saturday mornings wide open.  Even though we've done quite a few things during these past months there has been one similarity.  The girl's Daddy. They love going to see him at work, writing him cards, leaving voicemails, planning a party for when he comes home and the list continues.  This morning wasn't any different.  Amazing how a little tradition can impact them so much.  The girls were a little disappointed when I told them we couldn't go see him.  We had a play date at chic-fil-a.  When I came to my room to get ready my heart smiled when I saw this.

It has something for every season if you turn it :)

A love container for Daddy.  Isa had made me one a month ago when I was out of town for the weekend speaking at a conference.  I love it.  It's for me to keep and take with me when we're apart so I can remember she loves me.  Also she wrote a message on the mirror.  A little something we love to do at our house.  It's not the prettiest but who wouldn't want to read I love you first thing in the morning or right before going to bed? It's not Valentines Day or the Fourth of July but Isabella felt the need on March 3rd to tell her Daddy one more time "I love you!" It was so sincere.

There are times I think, they already know how I feel or why do I need to say that I've said it before.  But today I'm challenged to say it again.  If I'm really honest I could never hear it enough.  Why would I think others are any different from me?  Have you asked yourself who needs to hear it today?  They may hear it best from a note or a phone call or maybe even when you stop by.  But I challenge you like I've been challenged.  Say it again. Who knows you could even make you're own love container.  It doesn't matter how you do it just "say it again."

Romans 12:9-10
Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.